Surya Namaskar :12 positions

'Surya Namaskar' in English is known as Sun Salutation which is sequence of 12 asanas(positions of yoga). These asanas(or postures) can be practiced in varying level of awareness. To stay fit and healthy you need to practice just these 12 positions below as they provide you good cardiovascular work out.It is best when done in morning with empty stomach.
Single Surya Namaskar Round consist of two sets,one round with right leg and other with left leg.For next 10 days start your day with 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar .

Step 1 : Pranamasana(Prayer Pose):
Stand straight at the edge of your mat,keeping your feet together balance your body weight on equally on both the feet.
Relax your shoulders and expand your chest.
As you breath in, lift both arms up from the sides and  as you exhale,bring your palms together in front of chest in prayer position.

Step 2 :Hastauttanasana(Raise arm pose):
Lift the arms up and back,keeping the biceps close to the ears and breath in.You need to stretch the whole body up from heels to the tips of finger in this pose, ensure that you do not bend backwards. 

Step 3 :Hasta Padasana(hand to foot pose):
Bend down forward from the waist by keeping the spine erect and breath out. As you bring the hands down to the floor beside the feet exhale completely.

Step 4 :Ashwa sanchalanasan(Equesterian pose):
In this pose push your left leg back as far as possible and breath in.Now look up and bring right knee to the floor.Ensure that right leg is exactly between the palms.

Step 5 :Danasan(Stick pose):
As you breath in, take the right leg back and bring the whole body in a straight line by keeping perpendicular to the floor.

Step 6 :Ashtanga Namaskar(Salute with eight parts or points):
Exhale and gently bring down your knees to the floor.Take the hips back and slide forward,rest your chest and chin on the floor.This is salute with eight parts of body (i.e. two feet, two knees,two hands, chest and chin).

Step 7 :Bhujangasana(Cobra pose):
Breath in,Slide forward and raise the chest up making cobra posture.Keep shoulders away from ears and elbows bent in this pose and look Up!As you exhale push the navel down.

Step 8 :Parvatasana(Mountain pose):
Lift the hips and tail bone up and chest downward in an inverted "V" posture and exhale.

Step 9 :Ashwa sanchalanasan(Equesterian pose):
In this pose push your left leg back as far as possible and breath in.Now look up and bring right knee to the floor.Ensure that right leg is exactly between the palms.

Step 10:Hasta Padasana(hand to foot pose):
Bend down forward from the waist by keeping the spine erect and breath out. As you bring the hands down to the floor beside the feet exhale completely.

Step 11: Hastauttanasana(Raise arm pose):
Lift the arms up and back,keeping the biceps close to the ears and breath in.You need to stretch the whole body up from heels to the tips of finger in this pose, ensure that you do not bend backwards.

Step 12:Tadasana:
Exhale and straighten the body and bring the arms down.Relax and feel the sensations in your body.



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