Choose the right style of choli for your bridal trousseau

As your wedding date is coming closer, the level of excitement is getting higher. With all the stress that comes your way during the planning, don’t forget to choose the right choli style for each look you are planning for your wedding ceremonies. Oops! You haven't decided, yet?

Don't worry! ‘Truly Bridal by Kalyan’, an initiative by Kalyan Jewellers, have chosen stylist Maia Sethna to give you a quick update on choli couture.

Check the video here

We all know weddings are traditional and we are always scared to experiment with different styles with our wedding outfit. Every Indian bride or bridesmaid wants to wear a sari or lehenga pairing it with a traditional choli. And a lot can be done with the choli to get a new look.

Crop tops are new trendsetters and are chosen by many girls as replacement for traditional cholis.  Traditional choli gives you the liberty to pair it up with either a lehenga or a sari. However, donning a dupatta becomes essential. A crop top can be styled with anything and taking a dupatta along is just not compulsory. If you are tired after attending long wedding ceremonies then you can choose a crop top and pair it with a skirt or dhoti pants which will give you an Indo-western look. You will look traditional yet feel comfortable. Feel at ease by ditching those stilettos and go for Rajasthani juties.

Every bride has different body structure so they can choose to buy unstitched cholis. Trending now are closed neck cholis with half sleeves and full sleeves. Want to make your better-half go crazy? Then just go backless with a closed neck choli.  A couple of other things which you should keep in mind are that bling saris and bling blouses never go together.  If your outfit is too shinny then people might not look at your face but would be stuck at your outfit. A heavy work blouse with a border sari or a light-work blouse with a bling sari will make you look elegant and young at the same time.

Make a note of the pointers which Maia mentioned in the video and keep them in mind before buying your bridal trousseau. They are really helpful to make you look fashionably young. Checkout more videos on the channel, we will be talking about a couple of more videos from the channel soon.


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