Change is beautiful by biba

"Marriage is when a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gets her Master’s Degree."

Agree?? Some people would agree to this and some won’t. Indian culture strongly supports arrange marriages. In an arrange marriage, parents introduce their girl to the boy and his family. The girl is married to the boy if his family approve her. Usually, the girl is not even given a choice of saying yes or no. Even if she likes or dislikes the boy, she is married to him. But, today things are changing. Some girls are now given choice to choose a boy of their dreams. This #ChangeIsBeautiful. 

Recently, I came across a beautiful video by women apparel brand named BIBA. BIBA is women ethnic wear brand which offers great variety of apparel which can be worn at formal and semi-formal occasions. It is one of the most loved brands by women in India. The brand, BIBA, which is so close to every woman's heart is addressing women empowerment by a small video named #ChangeIsBeautiful. 

The video talks about a girl asking her father how she can marry a boy when she doesn't know him properly. The father does not answer her question instead moves out asking her to come and meet the boy and his family. Now, the boy's family approve the girl and confirm the marriage. Here, the father answers his daughter's question by asking a question to the boy's family. This question is “the change” in society which empowers women, a change which is beautiful. The video is very sweet, touching and has delightful ending where the boy shows respect for the girl. Every girl can relate to the video.  

When a brand like BIBA which is favorite of many, take responsibility to address a social cause gives even more strength and power to women of modern era. Check the video above and follow BIBA on facebook.


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