My FAB BAG: February 2014

What is in my fab bag?? Do you want to see?? I am sure you want to.... This was the February month which was the "Valentines Month". Month of love was made more beautiful with lovely products in my bag. The Fab bag sent in amazing stuffs. And I am loving them all!! Here is what I have in my bag.


Starting with something sweet and nice they sent in cookies. They were so yummy that I couldn't wait to click a picture of them :P Also because I am crazy for cookies so I hope you understand how difficult it is hold yourself. The packet had two cashews cookies one was butterscotch and other was of chocolate flavor.Oops I forgot to talk about the bag its so cute red..with label on the side which makes it looks smart and easy to carry. My favorite bag till now :)

Cetaphil moisturizing lotion and cleansing lotion. This in my bag just now!! A good brand and good product and absolutely useful. I am going to finish them quickly.

Thalgo samples this is one thing I mostly have in my samples. They are too small to have hands on them :P I finish them so early that I don't get feel of the product properly.

Next what I have is Vivel Cell renew. I am very excited to use this product as it looks promising. Also will review this one on the blog as soon as possible. the cute box has three samples one is moisturizer another is lotion and third is hand cream.

To complete this bag for valentine month they added a lip-color in "RED" with lip gloss. Though I have never heard of this brand but I like the looks very rich and appealing- I call it HOT RED!

Over all I love this month's bag. All good products. A complete package with red lipstick+ cookies+thalgo+ cetaphil.Love "The love" theme!. Did you like my bag?? or any specific product in it?? share by dropping in comments.:)


  1. That looks so amazing... Enjoy the products

  2. Great! Fab bag always offers amazing stuffs.

  3. Awesome stuff and that pouch is too cute...:-)

    1. Ya Rashmi this one is my favorite til now :P

  4. great review dear..wish the thalgo samples were bigger :)

    1. Thank you Candy :)
      I wish the same for Thygo samples :P

  5. Wow nice stuffs! I like cetaphil!

  6. wao cetaphil has been in my list for quite long!! great stuff baby enjoy!! :D

  7. I've so heard so much about cetaphil But i have never got a chance to use it!

    1. Indeed it is a good product...You should have hands on it :)

  8. Never used Thalgo or other products but I am using the Cetaphil Cream (for dry and sensitive skin) these days during the day. It is one of the best skincare finds for me!

  9. great! Enjoy the goodies..I have the Cetaphil face wash and moisturiser and it it amazing!


  10. Lovley Stuff you got! I have heard Cetaphil is really good..Its kinda on my wishlist! :)

  11. nice bag :) check the expiry of Vivel stuff my case the vivel samples expire this april ;)
