Three Easy Natural Beauty Tips #25


Take 1 tablespoon tomato pulp and add half tablespoon lemon juice, pinch of turmeric and gram Flour(Besan powder) . Now mix it properly to make a paste. Apply it on your cheeks for 10 minutes and wash with normal water. This will not only make skin of your cheeks clear but also will make them glow.

2.For dark elbows:

Mix baking powder with sugar and apply it over your elbows and knees. Rub for about 4 minutes. Now leave your skin for 15 minutes and then was your skin with water. Now take coconut oil and add lemon juice to it and massage dark elbows and knees for 10 minutes and then wash with water. Regular use will make the skin lighter and will also nourish the skin.

3.Knots in hairs:

Knots in hairs can be very painful to open. If you want the open them easily then you can apply oil in hairs. And the knots will open wery easily. Oil Nourishes hair and makes them shiny and healthy.

If you do not want to apply oil and you do not want to shampoo either then you can take soap mixed with water and apply on the knot and rub softly. The knot will open easily.